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Starte direkt mit den ersten Übungen um dir dein Leben endlich so zu gestalten, dass es dich begeistert.
Hol dir Inspiration und gewinne mehr Klarheit.

Die Work Methode wird weltweit erforscht und ihre Wirkung wurde bereits in den verschiedensten Bereichen durch wissenschaftliche Studien belegt. Hier findest du einen Ausschnitt von durchgeführten Studien zu dieser Methode. Die Methode “The Work” wird im Zuge der Forschung auch ISBR (Inquiry Based Stress Reduction) genannt.
- Tzofnat Zadok-Gurman, Ronit Jakobovich, Eti Dvash, Keren Zafrani, Benjamin Rolnik, Ariel B. Ganz, Shahar Lev-Ari (2021). Effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction (IBSR) Intervention on Well-Being, Resilience and Burnout of Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3689.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Lia Schnaider-Levi, Ariel B. Ganz, Keren Zafrani, Zehavit Goldman, Inbal Mitnik, Benjamin Rolnik, Shahar Lev-Ari (2020). The Effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction on Teacher Burnout: A Controlled Trial. Brain Sciences, 10(7), 468.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Lia Schnaider‐Levi, Inbal Mitnik, Keren Zafrani, Zehavit Goldman, Shahar Lev‐Ari (2017). Inquiry-based stress reduction meditation technique for teacher burnout: A qualitative study. Mind, Brain, and Education, 11, 75–84.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken
- Ann Krispenz, Oliver Dickhäuser (2019). Reduction of chronic stress and trait anxiety by inquiry of cognitive appraisals with the inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) method. Open Psychology, 1, 185–199.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Eric Smernoff, Inbal Mitnik, Shahar Lev-ari (2019). The effects of inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) on mental health and well-being among a non-clinical sample. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 34, 30–34.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Eric Smernoff, Inbal Mitnik, Ken Kolodner, Shahar Lev-ari (2015). The effects of “The Work” meditation (Byron Katie) on psychological symptoms and quality of life – A pilot clinical study. EXPLORE, 11, 24–31.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Inbal Mitnik, Shahar Lev-ari (2015). The effects of” The Work” meditation technique on psychological scales among a non-clinical sample. Harefuah, 154, 16–20.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken
- Naomi Epel, Inbal Mitnik, Shahar Lev-ari (2018). Inquiry based well-being: A novel third wave approach for enhancing well-being and quality of life – Mini review. Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare, 5.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - Jacqueline Luff, Marieke Ledingham (2017). Exploring inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) as a counselling intervention. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS).
Zur Studie: Hier klicken - MarieOdiel van Rhijn, Inbal Mitnik, Shahar Lev-ari (2015). Inquiry-based stress reduction: Another approach for questioning stressful thoughts and improving psychological well-being. Medical Research Archives, 2.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken
Ann Krispenz, Cassandra Gort, Leonie Schültke, Oliver Dickhäuser (2019). How to reduce test anxiety and academic procrastination through inquiry of cognitive appraisals: A pilot study investigating the role of academic self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1917.
Ann Krispenz, Oliver Dickhäuser (2018). Effects of an inquiry-based short intervention on state test anxiety in comparison to alternative coping strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 201.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken
Nadine Ferris France, Stephen H.-F. Macdonald, Ronan R. Conroy, Patrick Chiroro, Deirdre Ni Cheallaigh, Masimba Nyamucheta, Bekezela Mapanda, Godsway Shumba, Dennis Mudede, Elaine Byrne (2019). ‘We are the change’ – An innovative community-based response to address self-stigma: A pilot study focusing on people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. PLOS ONE, 14, e0210152.
Zur Studie: Hier klickenJasmine Huber, Nadine Ferris France, Van Anh Nguyen, Hoai Huong Nguyen, Khuat Thi Hai Oanh, Elaine Byrne (2019). Exploring beliefs and experiences underlying self-stigma among sex workers in Hanoi, Vietnam. Culture, health & sexuality, 1–14.
Zur Studie: Hier klickenNadine Ferris France, Steve H. Macdonald, Ronan R. Conroy, Elaine Byrne, Chris Mallouris, Ian Hodgson, Fiona Larkan (2015). “An unspoken world of unspoken things”: A study identifying and exploring core beliefs underlying self-stigma among people living with HIV and AIDS in Ireland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145, w14113.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken
Carla Landau, Inbal Mitnik, Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Efrat Tillinger, Eitan Friedman, Shahar Lev-Ari (2016). Inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) meditation technique for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers – A qualitative study. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8, 958–964.
Zur Studie: Hier klickenCarla Landau, Shahar Lev‐Ari, Jiska Cohen‐Mansfield, Efrat Tillinger, Ravit Geva, Ricardo Tarrasch, Inbal Mitnik, Eitan Friedman (2015). Randomized controlled trial of inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) technique for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Psycho-Oncology, 24, 726–731.
Zur Studie: Hier klickenShahar Lev-Air, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, Larisa Rivo, Ravit Geva, Ilan Ron (2013). A prospective pilot clinical trial of “The Work” meditation technique for survivors of breast cancer. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 5, 487–494.
Zur Studie: Hier klicken

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Das ermöglicht es dir, die horizonterweiternde Wirkung von „The Work“ direkt zu erleben. Wir gehen anhand von einem konkreten Beispiel, das bestimmt jeder von uns kennt, direkt in die praktische Umsetzung, denn nur wenn man „The Work“ macht, versteht man, welche Freiheit dieser Prozess mit sich bringen kann.